Chapter 32. Help settlements

After being allowed into the house, they saw how hard this person was going through.

Rii and Cini took the initiative to return to the German kingdom, buying groceries. Meanwhile, Vail and Mansa tidied up the house and prepared everything they needed for cooking.

"We're back,"

"Where do you want to put these fruits and vegetables?"

"I've made a storage cupboard for groceries, near Mansa."


"Why did you guys do this just to keep a promise?"

"Like I said uncle, a good person."

"It will be glorious in our eyes."


“Forz, my name is Forz Gylan.”

"Mr. Forz, we will be staying at your house for the next thirty days."

"Is that okay?"

"In fact, I should be asking that, is it okay for you to live with sick people?"

"I'm afraid if you catch this disease."

"There's nothing to worry about Mr. Forz."

The night is now gone, and it is entering the morning time. The four used the empty land before Forz's house to make fields.

"I did agree about the fields, but is there a need to dig up this large area of land!?"

"Don't complain, just do it, Cini."

"There was a commotion—"

"What are you doing?"

"Good morning, we are making a farm for uncle."

"It's useless, this land belongs to a cunning noble."

"If something yields, the noble will immediately take it."

"Regarding that, we already know."

"The king gave this letter to you,"

"You are the owner of the land in this village."

"After all, this is territory that the noble does not belong to."

Give Forz the proof of possession of power.

"Why are there suddenly so many people gathered?"

"That's nice of him, getting all of that without even trying."

"Are you not aware, being used by him?"

"I don't know why you guys are so jealous of him, it's just that."

"Are you guys so stupid, you guys are shameless by your own doing?"

"What did you say!"

"Outsiders like you shouldn't talk to us like that."

"Why do I care about your problems, everything is not important either."

"Cini, stop."

"Mansa, stop looking at the past—"

Vail hit Cini.

"Don't stop hoeing,"

"Everyone, we are indeed outsiders."

"But my friend Rii, has a debt of gratitude to this uncle."

"Please don't make this into a big deal."

All the villagers immediately left.

"Are you all right, uncle?"

"Thank you, uncle really helped but don't overdo it like before."

"Don't worry, we will all need their help in the future."

"Then let uncle prepare breakfast for you."

Because of the smell of food, the village children couldn't hold back their hunger. High taxes make the remote village they live in poor for food.

Mother may have knocked on every door and provided them wealth and food if Mother was still with us.

"You're right, Vail."

"Looks like we've gone too far."

"Uncle, how many people are in this place?"

"If I'm not mistaken a hundred people,"

"Vail what do you want to do?"

He walked to the empty land next to the garden without saying much. He chopped down a few trees big enough in front of him to make a large enough dining table for everyone.

Knock. Knock. Knock.


"What do you want young man?"

"Please forgive my friend's earlier words,"

"I came here to pick up your child,"

"Do you want to snatch my child!?"


Rumia should have stayed inside.

Rumia, are you hungry yet?

"Yes, I'm not strong enough to endure hunger."

"Do you want to come with brother? We will eat with your other friends."

"With others?"

"Of course, brother's friends have already summoned them all."

"I want to,"

"Good, but first wash your face, Rumia."

The boy went inside excitedly.

"Thank You,"

"What are you saying, we also actually lack people to make food."

"So I, ask you to get ready."

"Did I—"

"No denial"

"So get ready."

"Because after eating there is something we want to talk to everyone in this village about."


"Please wait a moment,"


"Wait Rii, this is the last house."

"Okay, everyone has also gathered and is helping with the cooking."

"It's just that most of the women are here."

"Abandoned to war by their husbands,"

"Maybe after seeing Uncle Forz who came back alive pissed them off."

"It's confirmed it's because of the noble that uncle Forz said was sneaky before."

"I'll be right back, since the last person has finished preparing himself."

Vail chuckled when he saw the woman finished preparing herself.

"What is so funny?"

"Why are all the residents here, preening themselves."

"Even though this is just eating together."

"In that case,"

"Come miss I will take you to the dinner table."

Vail acts like a waiter who welcomes customers.

"Since everyone has gathered, there's no need to linger."

"Please eat"

"Everyone eat so much that your stomachs are full."

"Then please cooperate with all of you, the four of them provide a large enough field and land to grow vegetables and fruit."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of it, if you will."

"You can use the other land to grow vegetables."

Hearing that, they were, of course, happy and became a hard worker.

One day before they left.

"Young master, look at this."

"This r****h is very good,"

"That's thanks to your own efforts,"

"Growing vegetables takes a long time, so please be patient."

"Oh yes, don't forget to come this afternoon to make dinner together like before."

"Is there anything you want to tell me this time?"

"Of course, don't forget to come okay."

They were all busy with their respective tasks when evening came, except for one person. Namely, Vail, who watched the sunset under a cool tree.

"What's wrong, Miss Amira?"

"What makes you always wear a mask? Except when you're eating."

"I have no intention of interfering, but what other intentions do you have?"

"Can you keep this a secret, from the others?"

"I will try."

"That's because I'm a prince of the Gerna kingdom."

"And also-"


"Please pardon my foolishness—"

"Stop it, I don't accept anyone kneeling, especially someone who is above me in age."

"But prince-"

"Not the prince, but Vail."

"Call me myself Vail, don't call me prince."

"Forgive me, if you have considered you as my eldest child unilaterally,"

"And please don't punish me."

"For what I am punishing you, Miss Amira."

"Don't mind it, I also don't mind being treated as a child."

"Well, you better come see my father."

"And say that I, asked the king of Ligt to make Miss Amira his wife."


"I don't want to marry someone who has become a devil."

Vail laughed.


"The food is ready!"

"Come miss let me take you to the dining table."

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