Chapter 41: what if

David was in deep thought when the door opened and Finn walked inside with Maggie. Maggie was blinded so she couldn't see anything.

Nick tied Maggie to an empty chair before he walked to stand at the doorpost with Finn.

"You will leave my daughter out of this, Adonis. I told you what you need to know anyways. So, why would you bring her here again?" David yelled in anger.

"Dad? You are here too?" Maggie asked suddenly.

Adonis groaned inwardly. "Gag him again," he ordered.

David turned towards Maggie. "I can see his face. Hes_," he was forced to hum as the gag was placed in his mouth.

"You are actually lucky, David. Maggie will die immediately, she knows who I really am," he muttered.

"Who the fuck are you! Did you kill my husband?" Maggie yelled and fought violently against the chair she was tied to.

"Keep calm, Maggie. Your husband isn't going to be the only one to go this time."

"You killed my brother too! Why did you do that!" She yelled again. Seemed like she love yelling.

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