Chp 22 - Is That You?
Jordan couldn’t remember the last time he had gotten so angry, especially over something that had nothing to do with him. He was known for being calm no matter how nerve-wracking the situation was after all.

It was one major reason why he became the youngest sheriff in the history of Rova county, why he was so good at being a policeman and why he was a damn good private investigator, after all.

But he saw her looking so damn sexy in that ridiculous getup she had on in a club filled with a pack of bastards who would as soon ravish her as blink their eyes. A few paces away from where he spotted Dickson earlier, another capital asshole who wouldn’t mind adding any new morsel to his long line of conquest, he just lost it.

“Are you out of your mind?” he asked in anger as he ignored her jibe at his momentary job. “What on earth do you think you are doing here by this time of the night in that?!” he said jabbing a finger towards her slinky clothes.

Her hazel eyes fired up and she drew in
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