5. Escape

“Whoa! Whoa! Take it easy!” August exclaimed. Both of them raised their hands and stood up. 

Two women and three men were standing in front of them. One woman was holding a pistol and pointing at them. She was wearing a police uniform, and there was blood on it. 

“Who are you and why are you here?!” asked the woman. 

“W-We’re just looking for a safe place!” Jude answered. “We will go after that.” 

“You drew them here!” 

“Carla, calm down,” said the man near the woman. 

Carla glared at August and Jude. They heard them knocking earlier. But they couldn’t risk opening the door because of the zombies. 

“Stop! They are coming!”  a voice from outside said. Then the door opened, and five more people entered. 

August blinked and saw that there were no other survivors outside. The zombies managed to enter the building too. He cursed in his mind and looked outside. More zombies were entering from the entrance. There were also no zombies beneath them. 

“Stop moving!” said Carla. She went to August and pointed the gun at him. 

“Whoa! C-Can we all calm down? We are all the same here!” August exclaimed. 

“Ssh! Stop talking!” 

They all stop moving. No one even tried to make a sound while trying to feel what was happening outside the room. August saw that the zombies were just on the first floor. 

“They are not coming. Just don’t make a sound,” August said. All of them looked at him. 

“How did you know?” asked Carla. 

August shrugged his shoulders. He noticed that he was the only one who could see what he was seeing. So, he cannot tell anyone about it. 

“I just noticed earlier that those things were the following sounds.” 

“Yes. That’s right!” said a girl. She was wearing a school uniform. “I-I noticed that last night too. My friends screamed and they followed us.” 

Carla removed the gun, pointing at August. “Okay, don’t make any sound. And you two, stay right where you are.” 

August was relieved. At least Carla was not pointing a gun at them now. They all sat down and waited. August blinked and saw that his stats changed. He was now at level 3. 

“Whoa…” he said without a voice. 

Hostname: Augustus Clarke

Level: 3

New weapons unlocked.

Then a list of weapons showed up in front of him. There were some medical supplies there too, like alcohol and other things. However, it was only of limited use on a daily basis. 

“Why are you smiling?” Jude whispered. 

August looked at him. “Nothing. It just—I think I can get us all out here.” 

“How?” the man asked August.

August looked out the window. “Anyone knows how to use a gun?”

Carla smirked. “I’m a policewoman, but I only have one pistol and three bullets left. This will not last to save us all.”

“System, guns, and knives.”

As August said this, a gun and knives suddenly fell down in front of him. They were all surprised to see the weapons. Carla held one gun and checked it.

“W-Where does this come from?”

“What is your name?” asked Joseph. He was the one who stopped Carla, a commoner who used to be at the station. He was saved by Carla when the breakout happened.


“Well, August. Let’s make use of these guns.”

Carla still couldn’t believe what she had seen. The guns came out of nowhere after August said those words. But all the guns were real and of good quality. Carla taught them how to use the pistol and M16 gun. Some decided to use knives instead.

“What should we do?” asked Nicka. She was a student who came from the first floor. She was in college and was supposed to go home to Cavite. But someone suddenly had a seizure on the bus she was riding. Then suddenly, the man turned into a zombie and bit the nearest person to him. The bus was crowded, and that was why the infection spread easily. Luckily, Nicka was standing near the door. So, she was the first one to get out.

“The zombies are blind. If we are quiet, we can go through them,” said Leo. He was on a date with his girlfriend in the park. But she suddenly loses consciousness while they were strolling through the park. When she woke up, she was already one of the zombies. He managed to run away from her. He learned this when there was a zombie in front of him. He stopped moving and did not make any sound. The zombie ignored him and went after a woman who was screaming.

“This is what we do. Someone will lead the others out. They will go through the window.” Carla went to the window and checked it. “But this is too high for us.”

“Then we jump,” said Jude.”

“But I don’t want to go out! What if they managed to get us? We are safe here.”

“They are already on the first floor. It wouldn’t take long until they heard our voices,” Carla said. “We need to do this.”

August looked at the curtains. “Here. We could use this. Or we can jump.”

“No. No one will jump,” said Joseph. “We might get injured because of it.”

“Where are we going after this?” the woman asked again.

“I need a check for my family,” Jude said.

“Let’s worry about it later. We need to get out of here for now.” Carla looked at Joseph. “We use this curtain. Everyone will be held here. Then, Joseph, do you see that ladder? Fix it. We will use it to go throughout the property. We will use the guns to make a noise.”

“This is crazy! We will die!”

“We will die if we don’t do anything! We can’t stay here for long, either, and I want to go home to check on my family,” Leo exclaimed.

After their planning, Joseph would be the first one to go through the window. Jude will follow him. Then Carla, August, and Leo will be near the stairs to kill the zombies and lead them there. Each one of them has a weapon if they get near a zombie. 

“Please, let’s all take care,” said Carla. 

Everyone nodded. “We can do this,” said August. 

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