Chapter 2945
Looking at Chester’s mad face, Director Ashby almost burst into laughter.

If that had happened in the past, Director Ashby certainly would not dare to joke with Chester. However, ever since Chester had seemingly changed into a different person for Eliza’s sake, Director Ashby suddenly felt like Chester was knocked off his pedestal, which made him less terrifying than he was.

“Do you want me to prescribe some medicine for you–” Director Ashby teased.

“Get lost.” Chester glowered at him impassively before he turned around and walked forward.

“Fine. Calm down. Ever since you’ve confirmed that you wanted to return to work at the hospital, many patients have started to book appointments with you. You’re popular now. After your affair with Eliza was exposed, you’re almost like an influencer.” Director Ashby said with a laugh, “I’ve allocated 100 patients for you, and you’ll see 20 patients per day.”


Chester returned to his office after a long time. However, everything was cl
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