Chapter 103 Carlos is jealous (1)

Miriam despairs when she learns that Monica will believe the lie that she told herself.

"No, Monica, I swear to you! I wasn't in bed with Carlos; I'm not one of those shameless girls!"

Monica remains skeptical, "Miriam, you go into contradictions. You just referred to Carlos as ‘hot’, ‘delicious’... The mouth speaks of what the heart is full of. If you haven't slept with Carlos yet, you're all willing to consume this sin, and that is what upsets me. Only the intention is enough!"

"Okay, I promise to control myself. After all, Carlos and I are getting to know each other better; we are changing from neighbors to friends. In time, we'll be boyfriends, then engaged, and finally married. But for that, Carina needs to get out of my way."

"She already explained herself."

"And I already told you: before the photos, she wasn't jealous, now she is."

"So, Miriam, it turns out that Carlos is one guy. He has to choose. It looks like he chose you, so can you talk civilly t
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