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Zagthak after leaving his men in the war front to perish, he took a turn around the country and came to Riverston where the ogres had camped. The ogres came to the city of Riverston to drive out its inhabitants just as the orcs had done in Oldgriffin and Newgriffin, but the humans were already gone by the time they arrived so they knew the humans were up to something to have abandoned their lands like that.

Zagthak had planned with the ogre leader to take out the city of Riverston while they took out Ironbrook and the two griffin cities as they did.

Coming into the city of Riverston to see that the ogres had dominated the place, Zagthak thought they were successful in the overtaking of the city.

On the side of the ogre leader, he knew something was wrong when the city was abandoned so seeing Zagthak come into the city alone without any escort, he could confirm what he had suspected when he came into the city. Nevertheless, he still waited to hear what Zagthak had to say before airing
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