Author: Persephone

There were times when Hermann Weber was surprised by his job. Under the light cone of his desk lamp lay a certified mystery. A had been found week before in the high desert near Chaco Canyon at northern New Mexico and now, after three days extensive research, he was convinced that the artifact was not from Earth.

Weber had already collected notes on the unusual artifact. The main characteristic, according to the students who found it, was that induced hallucinogenic images when held or touched. But regardless No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't induce anything resembling a hallucination. Such Maybe, he thought, the two students had been under the influence of drugs. That would explain the hallucinogenic property. However, no one could deny that the artifact projected an exotic, otherworldly presence.

It was two in the morning and Weber's eyes were deprived of sleep. After compare the hieroglyphic markings of the Chaco Canyon object with similar markings of Linear B and Sumerian writing, nothing matched. After three days of analysis comparatively, he could only conclude one thing: he was not from this planet.

His report carried the same words on the title page. Weber rubbed his eyes and looked through the microscope again, examining the Textured silver cover metal surface and copper-colored markings. The object contained thousands of curls, small spinal cords that joined together, like nerve ganglion, every 8 or 10 centimeters within the 23 different glyphs in the object.

Although it was the size of a child's shoebox, the device weighed more than than a melon and had a density similar to lead. But unlike lead, The surface was completely impenetrable to any proof that Weber or his colleagues employed.

Perhaps it was the sculptural quality of the glyphs that fascinated him. Or maybe were the subtle variations in the lines. I've never seen descriptions before. so sophisticated of a cryptographic alphabet. Somehow the problem is It was aggravated by the irony that the device remained silent.

“I think we found something.” Emma Dawson poked her head into Weber's office, holding a mug of coffee to prevent his hands from freezing. Her long brown hair, normally tied up in a bun, it fell over her shoulders, looking more tired than her sad and expressive eyes.

“No one ever sleeps here?” Weber asked with a childish smile.

“Sure, if you're not interested in what we found…” his voice dropped to a murmur.

Weber smiled slyly. He liked her irresistible seriousness. You I loved his discretion.

“Well, what exactly did they find?”

“You'll have to come with me. Albert is still checking his calculations, but my Instinct tells me it will confirm our original discoveries.”

"And which are they?"

“Albert told me not to tell you until you are in the lab…”

“Albert forgets that I am his supervisor. Also that it is two in the morning and "I get unusually angry when I'm tired and hungry.”

“It will only take a few minutes, come on. I’ll give you a cup of coffee.” She left it hanging your irresistible offer in the quiet of the office. Weber could only smile and lay down. back on his messy desk.

“Oh, and bring the artifact, Albert needs it,” she said.

Weber's hair almost covered his right eye as he leaned down and poked Take care of the object under your arm like a ball. He staggered a little until the weight of the object found a point of balance.

Weber was Peruvian and had the enormous fortune of having one of the faces of most distinguished appearance that a human body can have. Everything about him was intense. His hair was straight and black. His eyes seemed like mysterious springs to the moonlight, evading the question how deep or full they were. His nose and lips were made by Michelangelo's chisel.

The hallways of the ACIO were quiet and antiseptically clean at that late hour. the dawn. White stucco walls and white marble floors gleamed under halogen lights. The smell of various cleaning formulas sterilized the air. In

the silence of the hallway, Weber heard his stomach growl, which was also sterile. I had forgotten to eat dinner. Again.

"At last! “This stuff is incredible.” Albert said when Weber entered. He had the disconcerting habit of never seeing eyes to his human counterpart. Weber liked that; It made him feel comfortable in a way. “This thing is incredible."

“And what exactly do you mean?” Weber asked.

Albert kept his gaze on the charts in front of him. "I I am referring to the way in which surface analytics shows the precision with which this thing was designed. What looks like chaos is actually an executed pattern of precise way. Do you see these subtle variations? They are not arbitrary. Us we made a mistake, we did not build the plan diagrams with sufficient granularity to see the previous pattern.”

“And what is that pattern exactly?” Weber's voice emitted a degree of impatience.

Albert put a long chart on the table in front of them. It looked like a map topography of a mountain range. Weber instantly saw the pattern.

“This is the entire surface of the object?”


"You're sure?"

“I have rechecked everything and my results are exactly the same.”

Weber slammed the device onto the table next to Albert's chart.

“Is there no way this could be an anomaly?”


“And what is the granularity of the plane?”

“.0025 microns”

“Is it visible at another granularity?”

"I'm not sure. That's why I asked you to bring the little monster here. I will do "A few more tests, and we'll see what else appears."

“Any idea what it is?”

“Yes, it's not from around here,” Albert laughed and struggled with the object to put it on a platform for study.

The measuring device was called a Surface Mapping Surveyor (SMT – Surface Mapping Topographer) and made an extremely detailed surface of objects. Similar to fingerprint analysis, the ACIO version was three-dimensional and could be used microscopically.

Weber came closer to the poster-sized graph while Albert He positioned the object exactly to his requirements.

“And it is definitely not from the human being's past nor does it correspond to the present,” Albert said.

“But this pattern… is unmistakable. It must... it must be a topographic map. It could even represent the site of the discovery.”

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