Chapter 29

They have been on the trip for some time. Minnesota could barely breathe in the backseat of the car. Her heart stilled hammered inside her ribcage. Fear gripped her insides. This man is a dangerous serial killer, and Minnesota knows it. From what the detectives told her, the Heartless Killer literally rips out the hearts of his victims. One wrong move, and he could be the next one to hang out.

Min tightened his grip on his cellphone. Although he wanted to text the police, he was afraid that the serial killer might notice. It didn’t help that it occasionally peeked into the backseat of the car. Min is just thankful that the surroundings are dark so it doesn't face her. He quietly pocketed the phone.

A chill went up her spine when the demon laughed.

"I'll make sure detectives can't find your body, Feralda. You've been cheating on your boyfriend, right? Bitches like you should die." Its tone is full of anger and danger. Minnesota was even more nervous to hear. It looks like he has been s
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