Chapter 502 || Building Strong Relationships

Rachna's enthusiastic agreement underscored her recognition of the profound impact of their partnership in bringing the project to fruition. "Absolutely, Karen, we must collaborate seamlessly to ensure its success. In that spirit, I'm particularly interested in understanding how you envision your esteemed company benefiting from this alliance," Rachna inquired, her eyes reflecting a keen desire for clarity.

Karen, a woman known for her insightful and strategic thinking, paused for a moment, thoughtfully contemplating her response. The weight of her company's history and the rapidly evolving global landscape rested heavily on her mind. "Rachna, it's essential to acknowledge that we have been deeply rooted in the United States for the past seven decades, building a strong reputation and a loyal customer base. However, the world has changed significantly in recent years, and we recognise the need to adapt to stay competitive in the global marketplace," Karen began.


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