
After the short but amusing introduction with Lady Loza, the atmosphere in the room shifted to one of seriousness.

Shortly after, Duke Roman introduced us to the seemingly plain middle-aged woman. However, it turned out that she was no ordinary woman but an esteemed instructor from a prestigious academy—Vagratas Academy.

Vagratas Academy, an institution hailed as one of the most exalted sanctuaries for any of the would-be-mages who possessed both the necessary background and talent to enter. While there were other academies scattered throughout the Dominion of Medalia, the gap between those second-rate institutions and Vagratas Academy was insurmountable.

That was the kind of titan Vagratas Academy was. Those who qualified to graduate from this academy were guaranteed a prosperous future and life.

It was rumored that the top graduates could even become honored guards, instructors, or military leaders for influential families. Some choose to focus on research by joining mage guilds, w
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