chapter 2 : I don’t want to die

“I'll be honest with you, boy, I've never seen anything like this in my entire 17-year career...”

“Your brain cells are always developing , I have never seen anything similar to what is happening to you .... It is good and bad at the same time."

" Your brain cells multiply very quickly, which makes your mental abilities rise, but...”

“On the other hand, your body cannot keep up with this sudden development, which leads to a failure in communication between your mind and the rest of your body , and What happened to you when you were 15.....”

“If nothing goes wrong and the cells inside your brain multiply rapidly, within 5 years, no ! you can't say 4 and a half years is how long before your entire body's organs fail...”

Maxwell opened his eyes, because every time he closed them he couldn't help but remember the conversation he had with the doctor responsible for his case.

“Fortunately, no one else came with me. I don’t know how they will react to this news, especially the father, but I don’t think this matter will remain hidden for a long time...”

“Aagh, I just wish this plane would go down, it would be great, I wouldn’t have to worry about the possibility of dying at any minute, even my father would be relieved of my problems...”

He took out his phone, which was the latest version. His financial situation was good. After all, Maxwell was an engineer who had the ability to make money quickly, not to mention that his family's financial situation was also good.

Unlock the screen

"Hmm, it's 1:50 p.m...."

He started browsing the short video clips. He glanced sideways at Omar, who had stopped talking a while ago. He was closing his eyes and putting on his headphones.

“Passengers, please wear seat belts and oxygen masks...”

Suddenly the flight attendant's voice came over the speakers

The oxygen masks fell from above, Maxwell frowned

"What's wrong with them all of a sudden like this!?"

He asked as he followed the instructions and put on the seat belt and oxygen mask.

“This idiot is completely oblivious...”

he sighed as he looked at Omar, who still had his eyes closed and apparently did not hear the flight attendant’s voice because of his earphones.

He tapped his shoulder to wake him up

“Hmm, what's up man!?”

Just when Maxwell was about to speak, the entire plane trembled.

There was chaos inside the plane's trailer. Everyone was asking about the cause of this earthquake

“wah ! , what happened!?”

Omar, who had fallen to the ground because he was not wearing a seat belt, got up.

Maxwell did not answer, instead he looked out the window with wide eyes.

“Oh my God, is that thing a meteorite!!?” Suddenly someone shouted

His screams attracted attention, most of the people got up and approached the windows.

Maxwell frowned as he felt several people pressing him so that they could see the scene outside.

“Go away, damn it...”

He cursed while pushing them away from him. He knew that it was their fear that pushed them to scramble like this, but he too was shocked and frightened by the scene outside.

He got up and left the place to them after failing to push them away

“Maxwell, what’s going on?!” Omar was asked, who also snuck away.

Maxwell looked at the beautiful hostess who was trying to calm the crowd

“There is a giant meteorite crashing into Earth, although it is so far away that it can be seen well...”

Omar's face changed when he heard Maxwell's words

“Oh, don't worry, the meteorite is far from our location. I think the plane's shuddering a moment ago was just a result of the shock wave that resulted from the meteorite entering the atmosphere...” Maxwell threw out his guess before approaching the flight attendant.

"Sir, please take your seat and put..."

Maxwell interrupted her before she finished speaking.

“Just stop. If you want to keep them calm, you have to tell them that everything is under control and that there is no danger...”

He added after seeing that the flight attendant was looking at him strangely

“Human beings tend to believe this in such cases...”

The flight attendant nodded and just when she was about to do what Maxwell told her.


The sound of a loud explosion reached Maxwell's ears. Not only him, but everyone heard this, and before anyone could react.

The whole plane shuddered again, but this time it was more intense, so much so that Maxwell thought that what he had previously wished for would come true.

“Damn, I was just kidding before, I don’t want the plan to fall , I don't want to die...”

He thought while clinging to one of the seats. He ignored the pain and headache that he was currently feeling. He thought that it was just symptoms of his illness, but what he did not know was that everyone inside the entire plane, more than 600 people, was feeling the same thing and even worse.

“Finally it's over...”

He sighed in relief after he felt that the trembling of the plane had stopped. He looked around to see the condition of the others, but all he saw was that everyone was lying on the ground unconscious. Some of them were even unconscious in a strange position, with their head at the bottom and their legs at the top.

“Ugh, man, I feel like my head is going to explode...” Omar suddenly spoke, attracting his attention

Maxwell frowned

“Dude, speak in a language I understand, I don’t speak Arabic...” Maxwell complained.

He ignored Omar, who was still speaking in his mother tongue, apparently unaware that he was speaking it.

He approached the flight attendant after seeing her struggling to get up

"Here, hold my hand..."

“Thank you...” she thanked him while massaging her head.

“What happened!?” she asked while looking at the situation inside the plane cabin.

Maxwell shrugged

“I don’t know, everyone suddenly fell unconscious, Miss. I don’t want to scare you, but I’m afraid the plane’s pilot has lost consciousness...”

“Huh…” The flight attendant’s eyes widened, because of the headache she didn’t notice how she was struggling to stay in place because she was constantly sliding forward.

He helped Omar get up, then he clung to the seats and followed the flight attendant, who was heading towards the cockpit.

“Hmm, looks like we're not the only ones staying awake...” he muttered as he looked at the flight attendant who was talking to a group of people inside the first class cabin, from what he noticed the people were a family, consisting of nine people.

It was a middle-aged man who was talking to the flight attendant while the rest were clinging to the seats or calming down the children with them.

He ignored the family that was looking at him and Omar and continued to follow the stewardess who was going towards the pilot cabin accompanied by the man.

“What’s going on!?” Omar asked when he noticed that the flight attendant and the man were standing in front of the cabin door

“It's locked from the inside...”

The hostess said with an ugly expression.

“Excuse me my English is not great, please help me break down the door”

The man said in broken English.

Omar nodded and then began cooperating with the man by hitting the door with their shoulder.

Maxwell couldn't keep up with them and do the same thing, because his body was weak compared to the others.

He looked around before he noticed a lamp above the door.

“Go away...” He motioned for them to move away

“What are you going to do!?” asked the stewardess with a frown

“My specialty is electrical engineering, I can open the door if I reach the electronic circuit...”

Maxwell explained as he removed the lamp and cut the electrical strings.


He opened the cabin door after welding some electrical leads together.

The flight attendant quickly ran inside

“Well done, man...”

Omar praised him while patting him on the shoulder

“Don’t thank me yet, the plane is still falling and both the pilot and his co-pilot have lost consciousness...”

He said with a frown after noticing the situation inside the pilot's cabin. The flight attendant was trying to wake up the co-pilot, while the man was trying to wake up the pilot.

“Damn it! Why are there so many buttons!!?”

He muttered in exasperation as he looked at the button panel.

“Can you drive one!!?” Omar asked hopefully

"Huh ! , what do you think I am?! It's the first time I've ever seen a plane's dashboard..."

Maxwell said with a frown.

He looked at the co-pilot who the flight attendant was trying to wake up, walked over to him

“Even if I only have 4 years to live, at least I don’t want to die this dog’s death...” Maxwell thought, then slapped the co-pilot hard.

"What do you think you're doing?!"

The flight attendant shouted at him.

“Wake him up, of course. See, my method is effective...”

He said with sarcasm in his tone while pointing at the co-pilot who opened his eyes.

“Praise be to God, we survived...” Omar said happily.

“Ugh, it feels like a truck hit my head...” The co-pilot rubbed his temple

“Oh, my dear Thena, what are you doing here...” the co-pilot said while patting the flight attendant’s face with his hand.

Stewardess Thena removed his hand and said

“Will, this is not the time , quickly do something, The plane is going down... !! ”

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