Sanity 0.7

Roma had been planning something insidious, his sanity had fallen drastically when his other half left him. He made every attempt to get Mina back but everything failed. Sending roses to her work back fired, every time Roma sent roses or gifts they were either turned down by the store owner or accepted and found later by his men in the dumpster behind the convenience store.

Unable to understand this he began to feel crazed, growing up he had suffered but everything seemed to fall into place when he did. Knowing that sooner or later Mina would come back to him he waited, because that's how it works, that's how it always been. Suffering equaled him obtaining whatever he wants after. That's what he's grown up with, but for some reason after a month of waiting for Mina or something to occur so he can use it at his advantage, she never once neared him.

This wasn't right, where was Mina? Why wasn't she answering him? Why won't she pay attention?

Of course the world could only do so much for
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