Chapter 4 : Polta De' Galda Island

"Hey!! Right here!!" Jack yelled with a wave to the ship.

"Could you please just shut up!" said Will.

"What?! This is our chance to get off this stupid island."

"Look, we haven't figured out who they are yet. What if they're pirates? They can kill us!"

"Pirates be damned! The main thing is that I'll be able to come out of this in one place. I don't want to die in a place where my parents are unaware of my whereabouts."

Will went completely silent. It dawned on me that what Jack had stated was also correct. They were no longer capable of surviving on such a little island. When the birds realize that their eggs have been utilized as food, they will begin to leave and move to other islands. The fish will also swim away, while the edible seaweed and plants are rapidly diminishing.

"Hey!!" The ship approached due to Jack's cries.

"Right here!" Will also yelled this time.

Jack smiled as he stared at Will. They seemed to have forgotten that they had just fought a few minutes before. The large ship approached the shore and anchored nearby. One of the crew members boarded the lifeboat after two crew members lowered it. The lifeboat he was transporting reached the shoreline slowly.

Will and Jack approach him as they arrive at the beach.

"We spotted your bonfire's light. Are you lost on this island?"

"Yes. Our ship was destroyed because –"

"We are being slammed by the storms!" Will cut off Jack's words right away. He didn't want the man in front of them to know that the Flying Dutchman had destroyed their ship. Will was taken aback by Jack's surprise.

"Where do you live?"

"Royal Caribbean," said Will.

"Alright! We can take you to there. Come on!"

They hurriedly boarded the ship and sailed away from the uninhabited island. On the ship, Jack and Will are greeted by a captain dressed in classic gold-thread-knitted attire. Captain Singh, an Indian businessman, introduced himself. For the spice trade, they sailed to England and America. Captain Singh welcomed them warmly and led them to the Royal Caribean wharf.

When Jack spotted Laura, his wife, carrying water near the city gate, he was overjoyed and almost cried. He dashed over to Laura and held her passionately. Will was delighted to see her too, but not Luara. When she spotted Will, she was taken aback.


Will grinned, "Hey."

"I am so sorry," Laura said, her face troubled.

Will's expression changed instantly as he realized something was amiss. He dashed to his residence as swiftly as he could. He didn't seem to mind crashing into a man carrying goods or knocking over a passing cart.

Will did not knock on the door when he arrived at the house, he just open it with rush. Will's entrance astonished a preacher and Samantha, who were both crying.

"Will, I am so sorry." Samantha instantly held Will while crying.

Samantha was yanked from Will's clutches. "What happened?"

Samantha hasn't stopped weeping.

"Your wife died while giving birth to your child. Neither you nor your daughter can be saved. I am sorry, Will," Pastor said as he gripped Will's shoulder, "May God keep Isabella and your daughter in his car in the afterlife.

Will's legs feel as if they had been hit by lightning in the middle of the day? He sat crying on the floor. Samantha cries as she hugs him.


Will noticed Sam standing at the doorway. Sam moved closer and grieved with them as he reached out.


"Man, I'm really sad about your loss. Isabelle will not return, no matter how much you want her to. Your life will go on regardless of what happens," Karl added.

"But not for you, Mr. Smith," Mr. Barnar -the warden- entered the room and interrupted their conversations, "You'll have a trial date set for tomorrow. Aren't you aware of this? What is the punishment for a murderer, especially if two people are killed at the same time?"

Mr. Barnar made them confused and look at each other.

The appointed day had arrived, and two guards escorted Will to the courthouse in handcuffs. Will took a seat in the center of the room. A judge, prosecutor, and other judges sat in front of him. Lord Austin Courtney, Commodore Henry Morgan, Governor Harold Sheldon, and other officials from the kingdom, as well as various community groups, were present to witness the trial live.

"He needs to be hanged!"

"Cut his head off!"

"Burn alive!"

"You're so repulsive!"

"A murderer like you is deserving of a torturous end!"

The judge repeatedly slammed the hammer on the table until the entire courtroom became silent. Will's curses were entirely out of the ordinary for him, and his heart had stopped beating. Their statements are as if they were blown by the wind.

"Is it true, Mr. Smith, that you were the one who killed Mr. Stephen and Mr. Stave?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Will said after a little pause.

Samantha's eyes were welling up with tears. If Will simply submitted and accepted, she couldn't believe it. Samantha was well aware of Will's obstinacy, but he wasn't even defending himself in front of a judge.

"Did you intend to do that?"


Samantha's heart ached once more as a result of Will's words. Not! This isn't correct.


Samantha's screaming succeeded in bringing everyone's attention to her.

"Your Majesty, Will is entirely blameless. He killed in self-defense, but the two of them were the ones who started the fight!"

"And who are you, Ma'am?" asks the judge.

"My name is Samantha," said her, "I am William's sister."

Everyone was looking at her with scornful expressions on their faces. Will returned the stare. Will merely glanced back at Samantha with an incomprehensible look when he saw Samantha forcefully defending him.

"Alright. Did you know what happen at the moment, Miss Samantha?"

"No, Your Majesty."

"He's admitted to what he did! Bitch, you don't have to defend him!" Samantha was yelled at by a woman who stood up.

"You don't know anything!" Samantha yelled, "And better keep shut your mouth up!"

The judge tapped his hammer once more. Bringing the two women's dispute to a halt and forcing them to gaze at each other with contemptuous eyes.

"Because Mr. Smith has acknowledged his guilty, the court determined Mr. Smith to be a suspect and sentenced him to be carried away following the applicable regulations!"

The judge tapped the hammer three times, signaling that the sentence had been given down and could no longer be appealed. Samantha sobbed bitterly, as Will remained silent, his hands clenched.

A small lifeboat was hauled to the seashore by two troops. Will was still handcuffed on his legs and arms while the other two soldiers dragged him. Other guards escorted the passengers along the main route to the wharf. All of the people pulled over to the side of the road, and those inside the home gazed out the window. They watch Will who will be washed to the sea. Samantha instantly put fruit, bread, water, and a variety of other foods into sacks at home and cried her way to the dock.

On the beach, everyone was assembled, Will was already in the lifeboat, and three guards were ready to push him.


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