Giggadon empire

Royal palace hallway

*clomp* *clomp* *clomp* *clomp*

“Good morning, your majesty, lord Chamberlin,” the maids greeted with blushed faces as they walked past the emperor and the lord chamberlain in the palace halls. Though the emperor is known as a tyrant across the lands, it didn’t stop women from almost dropping their draws at the sight of him.

Following behind the emperor were the lord chamberlain and two knights. After a few minutes, they arrived at the emperor’s office. The knights stepped forward and pulled onto the door’s handle, opening it. Emperor Maximus and lord chamberlain walked in and the knights closed the door behind them and guarded the door.

The emperor’s office was more normal than expected. Contrary to popular belief that the emperor keeps the skull of his slain enemies in a glass jar, and places them in his collection in his office. Which was the rumor going around in the empire. But there was no shelf filled with glass-covered skulls. There was onl
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