The Empress’s Advice

Arran spent a long time with Charmy’s family. He told them about his life on Earth. How he was raised by his parents as a fighter, a killer, and a mercenary, and how they had wandered from one place to another, never staying in one place for too long.

For over eight hours, Arran retold his entire life story that spanned a total of nineteen years.

During this time, Arran mentioned every memorable moment he could recall about his life. Every happy event, every sad experience, Arran mentioned everything... even the embarrassing and downright outrageous moments in his life.

Somehow, Arran was compelled to say everything he could about his life, almost to the point he wondered if he was under some sort of spell. But Arran knew he wasn’t influenced by anything of that sort.

Instead, the thing that compelled Arran to say everything was the feeling of loneliness that had settled in his heart and was eating up his insides like a cancer worm.

That’s right... Arran was lonely. After all, this ti
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