69. Eyes of Lightning

This is the story of the past, the legendary story of Universal Chaos. Stories about the history of dragons as well as their lives. Saka gains knowledge with memory entered into player data. That was because he obtained victory and conquered the Sky Lord's dungeon.

One thousand years ago, the world was in universal chaos.

at the summit of the Caucasus mountain, a high mountain untouched by other creatures. Only dragons are present. They were able to become the Dragon Clan and were feared by all races. Unfortunately, the world is in great turmoil.

The dark elf race appeared and wreaked havoc all over the place. They wreak havoc wherever they are. They instill hell in every area they go through. If you don't want to become their slave, then any race will be exterminated by the Dark Elves. They are led by a very strong leader.

And so, at the end of Mount Caucasus, The Lord of the Dragons, Crimson, was standing at the top of the hill and spreading his huge wings.


Crimson changed i
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