Aiden was very sure that it was Kiera he was just speaking to right now, so how could she say she wasn’t the one? Well, she wasn’t as soft–spoken and nice as she was on the first day he met her, he wondered what caused the drift in her attitude.

“Daddy, who was that?” Hope tugged his shirt, asking.

Aiden looked down to his daughter, “I don’t know.” He was being truthful, he thought he knew her before but apparently he doesn’t. A hint of a smile played on his lips as he looked at Hope; maybe he was being a bit harsh on her. It’s not her fault Melissa decided to take advantage of his condition.

Hope frowned, “That has been your answer to everything, daddy.” The smile played full on Aiden’s lips now as he hoisted Hope up and placed her on his sides. The frown faltered and she giggled.

“I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier, dear.” He pecked her cheek.

“It’s okay daddy.” She pecked him on his cheek too and giggled. Aiden felt the rest of his anger subside, he was no longer angry at Mel
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