Chapter 16: The Foul Friends.
What would happen when Carl discovers that all along it was his vile mother-in-law who had sent assassins to kill his father?!


Heavily a lightening brought out it's stroking lines in the skies and delivered a uproar that almost shook the entire neighborhood.

Thunder claps follows and the scenery of the skies dawn displayed unusualness as the range of the claps and thumping sounds in the clouds were very terrifying,

Carl opened the window in his dad bedroom widely. He felt like just watching the dancing lightnings in the skies, looking like they were welcoming his righteous and innocent dad to the heavens.

The wind blows as some people around welcomed it with joy while others suffered the negative effects. It was either of the two events that happens always.

Trees around kept dancing and a lot of leaves started falling from the tree branches.

A few of his dad's friend awaits him. They were already inside the house and patiently waiting for his presence in the small living ro
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