Chapter 18 The Sayis Cemetery
My uncle walked up during our discussion. He stepped in between both of us.

“None of you realize what really happened to Sade. Yes he was the prince of Darkness and the main reason why we started teaching people about their powers while they were young and first started to have the symptoms of having malfunctions. That way we could try to limit how many first time students are people who have had a possession because once they have a possession it’s a sure possibility it will happen again. I feel we should just end this conversation on that note.”

“Thank you Mr.Blues. You may now take the class to learn about their warrior forms.”

My uncle took us to the Hall of orb pedestals. He looked at Nester.

“Nester, use the pedestal and take us to our classroom plain and simple.”

Nester walked up to a half red and half green orb. He placed his hands on it and a violet portal opened.. We all walked into it. When we came out on the other side, we were standing in front of a gravestone. It
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