Chapter Eighty-Nine: "What was Gone"
Ainspenser gently ran her fingers through Gaige’s red hair, which further irritated Gun. He hit his grip on Ainspenser’s hand.

Ainspenser frowned and then turned her glare towards Gun. She asked, "What's wrong if we mate?"

"It means I have to mate with yours too!" Gun exclaimed, fully waking up Gaige.

Gaige turned his head to look at Gun but kept his head leaning on Ainspenser’s naked breast, using it as a way to cover her since Gun and Patal were in his bedroom while they were both still naked.

"What do you mean by that, Gun?" Gaige inquired, to which Ainspenser burst into giggles. Of course, she knows what was making Gun angry but she doesn't look worried at all.

"What’s funny, woman?" Gun yelled.

Gaige rubbed his chin while pondering what he might have missed, then recalled the fundamental aspect of purgers.

"Ah, you have to mate with her weapon too," Gaige stated matter-of-factly.

"Why are you saying it so casually!" Gun protested.

"Then don’t do it if you don’t want to," G
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