Chapter 184: Despair And Pain.

After the explosion, everything calmed down about ten minutes later. Frost was angry that his master was attacked right in front of him but was surprisingly not worried about him for some reason. When everything cleared, the spectators gazed where Lu Zhen was previously standing, curious about what happened to him and wondered what he meant by his previous words. They were slightly surprised when they saw someone standing in front of Lu Zhen who was completely unscathed.

But when they saw the appearance of the person standing in front of him, they were stunned. The person if he could be considered as such,he had dark green skin as though he was poisoned by the most toxic and potent poison this world has, his skin was about five inches thick and his body was masculine even with his thick skin. The skin looked more like heavy armour that was impenetrable.

Patterns covered the person's entire body except for his face which was sparkling clean but also dark green in colour, his teeth we
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