Hunter and Zafron were in the midst of fixing things around the house, preparing for Estella and her daughter’s arrival. Estella, Hunter’s divorced sister, had decided to move back in with Zafron, their father, after a difficult period in her life.

As they worked, Hunter stumbled upon a photo album, filled with memories of their family vacations and gatherings. He flipped through the pages, reminiscing about happier times. Suddenly, a picture fell out from the book, landing at Hunter’s feet. It was a photo of their mother, taken on a sunny day at the beach, with Zafron, Hunter, and Estella by her side, all smiling brightly.

Zafron noticed the photo and picked it up, his expression softening as he looked at it. “Your mother loved the beach. She always said it was where she felt most at peace,” Zafron said, his voice filled with nostalgia.

Hunter nodded, his gaze fixed on the photo. “I miss her, Dad. I wish she was here to see how much Estella’s daughter has grown,” Hunter said, his v
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