Master 6.1

‘Find him.’ William ordered as he was now being showered thoroughly, during his discovery by the butlers and maids that were supposed to be taking care of him, he was escorted back to his home, that is where his current predicament led him into his enormous bathroom.

[The soul seems to be about five yards away; it seems he is associated with the young Lord of the Purja family.] The system notified its master of the sticky soul.

William sighed as he became the little master of the mansion, a brooding little boy who hated being treated like a child. With his father being an Earl and holding the position of CEO of a very successful ice cream factory, and his mother being a worldwide known pianist, he was mainly left alone in the huge mansion with the twenty-five person staff.

“Young master.” A deep voice sounded from behind him as he was finally wrapped with a soft white towel.

William turned to see the body’s personal butler and bodyguard assigned by his father. His hair was beautif
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