Mission 4.6

And so they traveled, almost immediately towards their so called home kingdom. To Déwei it seemed as if the youngest son worried for his beloved mother who he had thought had been killed gruesomely by the kingdoms men. But for the young Karim it was succeeding in derailing the story line further from it's plot, what confused him was the main reason why his mother did not get killed by the human during their kidnapping? Was he able to change some kind of outcome due to them evading his and his brother's kidnapping? His theories obviously would not come out as he predicted a hundred percent, but he knew that most of it would. So if Karim was right then his own presence was growing stronger by every world he changed and with that change he gained the so called plot armor the main characters held. If not that theory then it would be the fact that the ment he derailed the story the story formed a better outcome that would eventually get him to the point and it didn't have to progress as th
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