Pet 4.1

"Run!" The panther ordered. "Back to your brother and hide!"

"There you are mama, I thought we lost you." A new captain stepped forward with a smiled laced with a carefree attitude, as if he'd done this before thousands of times. "Let me go ahead and babysit for a bit."

The men cackled and began moving forward, but these weren't like the men from before, they looked less refined like the royal knights he had seen before. Which gave a clue in Karim's mind, they were definitely mercenaries. "Go for the cubs, I'll take care of the mother-"

Before the captain was able to finish his sentence his head rolled off, this time the men were startled. With a wild growl the mother pounced and killed the men, but was stopped before she could sink her teeth into the last mercenary, this was was younger, more innocent, he looked like he was in his first day on the job. The way he soiled his pants made it quite obvious.

"Go to your panthers." The voice from before didn't phase the mama panther and lef
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