Day 'n' Night - Light 'n' Darkness

In a secluded and mysterious part of Ulaetsria, two men stood facing each other, their clothes and demeanor as different as night and day.

They looked like rivals, their gazes locked in a fierce and unyielding stare. Tension hung in the air, thick and heavy, as if a storm was brewing.

The smaller man, not so built and not very imposing in stature, was dressed entirely in white, the fabric glowing even in the dim light.

Every piece of his clothing, from his tunic to his pants to his gloves, was as white as fresh-fallen snow.

In stark contrast, the larger man who was tall and muscular, had his broad shoulders seeming to span the entire room. He towered over the man in white, casting him in shadow.

His entire outfit was as dark as midnight, the fabric seeming to absorb any light that touched it. Even in the dimness of the room, the man in black was impossible to miss.

The man in black spoke, his voice like gravel grinding together, "Your time is up. I've given you more than enough cha
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