Episode 23


"Are you with me or not?!" Clara snapped moving away from her sister.

"I know this is hard on you...."

"You only know but you'd never understand the weight of it!" Clara's eyes were red from all the crying. "I just lost my job over something I know nothing about Ellie! I just got fired, dumped like some trash because no one wants a murderer for a waitress".

"You're not murderer!" Ellie corrected sharply.

"Then help me clear my name!!!"

She sniffed, "you're the only one that knows I'm innocent, the world out there doesn't know that! I can't live with this stigma Ellie", the tears began rolling again, "will I let you cater for the both of us while I sit on the couch all day like an old hag, will I ever marry? If i do, my kids would be taunted about their mom being a murderer".

"Stop saying the word, murderer!" Ellie snapped walking up to her. She had dressed up already, ready to go get some stuff at the mall before her shift in the afternoon.

"Clara", she exhaled and held her shoulders, "we'll discuss all these when I get back". Ellie left and Clara slumped on the couch.

Two minutes later, the doorbell rang and Clara stood rushing to get it. Cicely's face popped up.

"Cicely.. Cicely right?"

"Hi, can I come in?" Cicely stared at her

"Sure", she sniffed and made way for her.

Cicely walked in and straight to the living room. She didnt know why she was here or what dragged her here anyways, but she didn't know why she couldn't get over this family. She's a lawyer, she's seen much over her years of service and she can smell a deadly case even from miles away. She needed no one to tell her to keep away from whatever this two sisters have roped themselves into, but she just couldn't and now here she is, staring at a tagged murderer who seems to have been crying her eyes out for hours.

Shit! How didn't she notice that...

"Clara, are you okay?" 

"No. Not really", Clara needed help from everyone and anyone, so she wasn't gon' hide her predicament from anyone.

"Hey", she approached her and helped her sit on the couch. 

'Cicely, what do you think your doing?'

She felt the voice in her head roll it's eyes, if it does have eyes...

But seriously though, what am I doing?

Getting personal with clients is not part of her career or business.

"I just lost my job Cicely. I don't know how and when everything just went wrong but that's how my life is now", the tears flowed.

"I got fired because the customers do not want to served by a murderer of a waitress".

Cicely knew too well she couldn't offer any help, saying ' it's gon' be fine', is a huge lie at this moment.

"I really appreciate what you did for me. For getting me out and all but I need to clear my name. Who knows what next is gonna happen out there. I might be stoned with eggs or even worse". Worst scenarios were already playing in Clara's head as she spoke.

"I just want things to go back to normal".

"Hey" Cicely held her by the chin, "In all my years of service, I've never been drawn to any client, and right now I can't promise you help Clara, I really can't. But I know someone who wouldn't rest till this whole thing is settled". 

Cicely could see the glint of hope in Clara's eyes already and she wasn't so sure this is the right thing to do. She'd been endangering this girl's life as well as Jack's.

"I don't know if you remember Jack", she began fondling with her purse till she got out his card, "trust me, he wants to know the details as much as you do". She handed Clara the card and Clara took it, already cancelling the thought of telling Ellie anything about this.

"Thank you".

"I cant accept that gratitude, who knows if I've just pushed you into the lions den", Cicely stood to her feet.

"Right?! Where's Ellie?" 

"She stepped out to get some stuffs", Clara smiled finally, "thanks again".

"I just hope I did the right thing", Cicely smiled, "and hey, wipe those tears and walked with your head high. You did nothing and you're about to prove it. Call me whenever you need my help, though , it will cost you", she winked and they both laughed.

"Can I hug you?" Clara pouted.

"Uh-yeah...sure" cicely smiled as they hugged it out.

Maybe Clara took it a bit longer.

"I have to go now", Cicely tapped her chuckling.

"Sure, thank you so much" , she led her to the door and the moment she opened it, Winter was standing there, about to knock.

"Oh hi", Winter smiled 

"Hey", Cicely returned the smile and turned to Clara, "be good". With that said, she left.

"That was the lawyer right?", Winter followed her in.

"Hm-mm" she hummed.

"Did she promise to help?"

"Nope, but she did leave a tip on who might be willing to help", Clara held out the card, "but no telling Ellie", she sighed, "she's so relaxed with her boyfriend because she's not the one being called a murderer all over town".

"I mean, not every one in town calls you.....", Clara glared at her, making her swallow her words.

"Sorry", Winter giggled.

"Should we call him now or what?" Winter chirped, looking more excited like it's a treasure quest adventure or something.

"I don't know"... Clara sighed. She wanted help and now she has it, but she wasn't sure if this is something she should be keeping away from her big sister.

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