Episode 26

Ellie later called Tyler at evening. They spoke at length and she took permission for a week to take care of her 'health'.

And now, Jack was seated in their living room, as they discussed about it.

"Bessie would have confirmed all these for us", he noted and Clara nodded, she didn't know who this Bessie was, but Jack had briefed her.

"So where do we start?" Winter chirped excitedly.

"We're gon' have to start from the very beginning. Every single thing we think we know. It's not just a coincidence that Clara was the elevator that night, her print was found on the knife and more, that means someone had been watching her well enough to know she lived in this building and next to Mr James", Ellie stated.

Clara crunched her face up in thought. It just occured to her a few days ago that she can't really remember much from the night and before the night.

"You okay?" Nina who was seated next to her, asked.

"Yeah", she nodded.

"How often did his son come around Nina?" Jack asked.

She had told
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