Chapter: 11 Ethan not longer welcome in the Reynolds family

In the presence of esteemed figures including the chief of staff of a well-known transportation company, Tony was already privy to Ethan's employee number visibly displayed on his attire. Without delay, a vigilant bodyguard accompanying the chief swiftly input Ethan's employee number into the company's application to review his most recent order.

Upon completion of the check, the bodyguard affirmed, "Tony, you're correct. There appears to be a slight delay in payment."

Before the bodyguard could elaborate further, Tony interjected, "The reason for the delayed payment stems from his unprofessional conduct, specifically his act of carelessly discarding my phone to the ground."

With this revelation, the public sentiment began to shift, aligning more with Maya and Tony's perspective.

Turning towards Maya, Ethan inquired, "Are you not going to clarify why I dropped the phone?"

Maintaining an air of innocence, Maya crossed her arms, subtly emphasizing her point with a raised finger. "


"You were negligent at work. And your patience is lacking!"

"Hahaha, well put!" Ethan wanted to applaud Maya.

"How dare she make such accusations!"

"Her husband dropped what he was holding upon seeing her with another man in a room, yet she blamed him for having low tolerance!"

"Am I expected to turn a blind eye, hand the phone to your lover, then kneel down to plead for my payment?"

"You were the one who made the mistake at work. Still, you slandered Tony and Maya."

"Keep quiet if you can't provide evidence!"

"Even if she was unfaithful, you have no right to argue, as you are just a live-in son-in-law!"



Maya was a prominent heiress hailing from a wealthy Los Angeles family, while Ethan was a live-in son-in-law who was generally disliked by everyone around him.

With no one coming to Ethan's defense, all the onlookers seemed to align themselves with Maya.

"Haha, it truly is a world where the affluent hold all the power," remarked Ethan, feeling the weight of the situation.

Rather than offering a detailed explanation, Ethan chose to direct his gaze towards Old Ms. Mimi.

"You all accuse me of having an affair. Do any of you possess any evidence?" Ethan questioned, his tone firm.

Old Ms. Mimi glanced at Maya, who responded with a subtle shake of her head.

"In the absence of concrete proof against each other, let's put this matter to rest," Old Ms. Mimi declared.

"However, we cannot overlook the incident where you assaulted Alexander," she added sternly.

Facing Alexander, Ethan recounted, "He attacked me with a bat at the Grand Central Market, causing me to bleed. There are surveillance cameras scattered throughout the park, and the witnesses present can attest that I was merely defending myself."


"If you insist on pursuing this further, we will involve the authorities. Rest assured, if I am detained, Alexander will not escape unscathed either," Ethan asserted firmly.

Old Ms. Mimi, Klein, and the others were visibly shaken by the turn of events. They were well aware of the legal implications. Ethan had fought bare-handed while Alexander had wielded a bat, potentially leading to a more severe sentence for Alexander.

In a tone laced with scorn, Old Ms. Mimi pointed accusingly at Ethan, "So, now that you've shown some capability, after all these years of relying on us. You've even dared to lay a hand on my grandson. Are you considering raising a hand against me next!?"

Respectfully, Ethan replied, "Grand... Old Ms. Mimi, I have always shown you the utmost respect over the past three years and have wholeheartedly served you."

"I assure you, as long as Alexander refrains from provoking me in the future, I will not retaliate against him."

"In light of recent events, I have one earnest request: I hope you will grant Maya the freedom to proceed with a divorce from me."


Ethan had devoted himself to caring for Old Ms. Mimi for the past three years, a level of dedication far surpassing anything Alexander had ever shown throughout his life. Despite his efforts, Ethan remained a live-in grandson-in-law, inherently unable to match up to Alexander in the eyes of the family.

Addressing the assembled crowd, Old Ms. Mimi began, "As all of you are aware, three years ago, the Reynolds family welcomed a live-in son-in-law as per our family tradition and a marital agreement established by my late husband. Many of you present here were close friends or long-term business associates of my late husband for decades."

"In the recent years, Maya has been enduring unhappiness, yet in deference to our family customs instituted by my late husband, Maya's parents have broached the topic of divorce with me on numerous occasions, only to have their requests declined."

"Maya is cherished by everyone in town, with many of you regarding her as the epitome of beauty in Los Angeles. Hence, it goes without saying which individual holds greater worth in our eyes."

"Today, Ethan caused harm to my grandson and spoke ill of my granddaughter and Tony. Therefore, I have made the decision to no longer adhere to the rules set by my late husband."

"I hereby announce that Ethan will no longer be a welcomed member of the Reynolds family and shall be removed from our midst immediately!"

Old Ms. Mimi's voice resonated with authority and strength. In response to her declaration, the gathered crowd lifted their glasses in unison.

"Congratulations, Old Ms. Mimi, and congratulations, Maya!"

"Well done! We have rid ourselves of a troublemaker. Now, we can seek a more suitable match for Maya!"

Ms. Julia joined in the celebration, raising her glass with joy evident on her face as she clinked glasses with the other guests.

"Thank you, everyone. I have something to share with you all. Maya and Ethan have been sleeping in separate rooms for the past three years, and he has never even held Maya's hand. I can confirm that Maya is still a virgin!"

Upon hearing Ms. Julia's revelation, many of the single men present gazed at Maya with heightened interest.

Maya playfully scolded her mother, saying, "Mom, why are you discussing this in front of so many people? It's embarrassing me."

Maya's words brought joy to the guests, who chuckled at the exchange.

While the Reynolds had finally agreed to Maya and Ethan's divorce, they were currently reveling in the moment of celebration.

Ethan, feeling disgruntled, addressed the guests, "Are you all so pleased to see me go? Maya, if you were to discover my true identity, I wonder if you would still be able to smile!"


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