Chapter 17: Day Of The Dwanivit [4]

[One Hour Ago]

Aleximus handed Hidemi the slab of iron he removed from his bag. "Let's get to work!"

Hidemi looked confused, taking the metal and feeling it's surface. "The snake gave it to me." Aleximus said, as if reading the boy's expression. "I was told to give it to you as soon as we made it into the city. I need you to make me a sword."

"Huh?!" Jace exclaimed, "No fair! Why do you get to have a sword?!"

"Obviously because I'm better than you, che."

Jace's face burned red with annoyance.

"I heard Dwarves use something called Sanctum-Smithing right? You can imbue an object with Sanctum energy depending on your proficiency and level, making that object as high a level as your energy can dish out. Or am I wrong?" Aleximus asked him, ignoring Jace's pouts.

Hidemi nodded, grasping the material with a firmer resolution. "Can you do this?" Aleximus raised a brow.

"MHMPH!" Hidemi nodded, nodding again. He grabbed at his hammer, laying the metal down on a table and prepping.

"What ar
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