Chapter 8
A splash of water landed on my body, my hands were tied on both side. I looked around and the place remained the same, I lost count of how many days I had been locked up in this dark room. I was weak from toture and malnutrition. Whoever was behind my kidnap was certainly heartless.

The door opened and as usual the bright light from outside almost blinded my eyes. Unlike other times, today someone other than the men who were ordered to beat me up everyday and serve me food came in.

"He's still alive?" A male voice spoke, I still kept my head low not having the strength to look up. Then the supposed man came close, leaning to my level. He pinched my cheeks as he held my face up dragging it. My vision was blurry, I couldn't see clear but he looked like Darius, Loiusa's brother. My head fell lazily as he withdrew his hands. He seemed to be frustrated as he paved about the room. He stopped and resumed kicking me by the belly just like the men who always beat me up everyday. He was angry,
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