The Darkside of Seodurnag

Like everyone, Quanes, one of the most trusted soldiers on the battlefield, also has a secret. Every few days when he wasn't on duty, he went to a place that was quite hidden from the public. He no longer went to brothels or entertainment venues to get drunk.

After stopping his horse, Quanes removed the cloth that partially covered his head. The atmosphere inside was so noisy that it could be heard from outside the fence. Quanes entered easily without being hindered by the officers.

"Look, your job is to get pregnant and give birth." The exclamation was heard as Quanes entered an old, worn-out building, barely any sunlight able to penetrate into the interior.

"If you can't do that, then you'd better die!" continued the old woman who had been pacing back and forth ignoring Quanes' arrival.

Hundreds of women screamed hysterically as the men wrapped their arms around their helpless bodies. Quanes just let out a rough breath seeing everything
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