Unwanted visitors
“I will do it. Even if I die trying, I won't regret it.” Annabelle whispered, standing up with determination.

At that moment, Aria felt ashamed.

Even though she was the elder among the two, it was undeniable that Annabelle was the better one.

Annabelle was more deserving and qualified to be Anthony's woman. Her level headed calculations, tenacity, strong heart, and profound love were all proof of that. While she (Aria) was concerned about the complications that retrieving the jade pendant will create, she didn't mind it one bit. All that she could see was letting Anthony come back to life, not her own safety.

And she was undoubtedly more efficient, handling things with clarity.

Every of her actions towards Anthony ever since she arrived was one of profound love and adoration, her face filled with remorse as she regretted her inability to stop him from leaving. Anthony disabled his g.p.s for safety and disappeared without a trace. But Annabelle was undaunted in her search for him, and r
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