Reeda continues to pace back and forth in Kinada's apartment. She was sure she read Kin's message right, of course she did. But she wants to believe she missed something up.

There's no way Kinada was foolish enough to leave a message like this, or even stupid enough to attempt to carryout what she could make out of his message.

"Surely, Kin is not that stupid" Is he not? I mean he readily threw himself into Lotino's den with his eyes wide open, even after he had already lost to him twice. If that is not stupidity of the highest order, what is?

"I need to talk some sense into that block head" she said aloud. Reeda made to rush out of the house, but it struck her like a heavy wind of reality.

"But how do I get in? oh no, no, no"

There's no way she can get to Kinada. No matter how much she tries, they won't let her in. Even if she finds her way in, How would she get audience with him?

She slowly sank into the bed feeling so defeated. Why on earth did Kin have to put her in this situa
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