174: Facing Bankrupcy

At 2:00 p.m., Rex and Tyga were done eating and were coming out of the restaurant after he had paid. They entered the car and continued their voyage.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the school, and Tyga parked the car in the parking lot and waited for Rex while he went inside to consult the school HOD.


It was already mid-evening when Rex came out of the HOD office. However, Tyga had been worried; he was about to call Rex to find out if he was really safe in there. From Rex's countenance, Tyga could figure out that his issue had been sorted out.

"Let's go now, everything is sorted," Rex told Tyga, holding an envelope.

"I'm glad your problem is resolved, young master," Tyga responded.

They entered the car and stormed off to the estate. However, inside the car, Rex's phone began ringing. He brought it out and discovered it was Ava. He sighed and picked up the call.

"Hello, babe," he said.

"Good evening, dear," she said. "I called to know if there was any update concerning the is
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