175: Tracking The Suspect

At Polite Business Group,

Rex was in his office with Caroline, the accountant. They were estimating what they had lost in total from the anonymous hackers and scammers.

"Caroline, this is really a huge loss for the company. Do you think we can even survive this?" Rex let out a sigh as he couldn't believe what his eyes saw—he couldn't believe that the amount the scammers looted was that big.

Just as he finished lamenting, his phone rang. However, he ignored the call because he wasn't in the mood to answer any calls. He was so shattered that he craved isolation. All he had in mind to do at the moment was, after the estimation with Caroline, go straight to a bar and drink himself to a stupor, then go back to his house and sleep till the next day.

Meanwhile, Rex had not mentioned the issue to his grandfather. After all, he didn't want anything that would result in the old man being worried because he knew that would cause his blood pressure to escalate.

After a few minutes had passed sinc
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