Chapter 155


The sun had set on the small village, and the jubilation from earlier in the day had died down, leaving a few of the elders gathered in a dimly lit room, deep in discussion. The prophesied savior had found the gem, and they were all closer to the end of the tyrant king's rule. However, they knew that their work was far from over. They needed to ensure that the savior was trained to use the gem effectively, or else it could be a threat to them all.

One of the elders spoke up, his voice low and gruff. "We cannot simply rely on the savior to know how to use the gem. It is far too powerful, and if used incorrectly, could cause great harm." The other elders nodded in agreement, their faces grave.

Another elder, a woman with kind eyes, spoke up. "I agree. We need someone who is as old as the gem to train the savior. Someone who knows its power and how to control it."

The first elder nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, someone like Cyrus."

At the mention of his name, Cyrus, a you
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