Logan's phone buzzed, and his face lit up as he saw Aella's name on the screen. He answered, "Hey, Aella! What's up?"

Aella's voice conveyed excitement, "Logan, I saw the news! You're amazing! I don't know... I want to celebrate with you!"

Grinning, Logan replied, "Thanks, Aella! I'd love to celebrate. Any particular place in mind?"

Aella teased, "Nope, you decide. It's your moment!"

After a moment of thought, Logan suggested, "How about the old canteen? You know, where I used to work. It has a special vibe."

Aella agreed, "Perfect! I'll meet you there in two hours. Can't wait!"

As they both hung up, Logan's mind raced with anticipation.

Logan dashed outside, waving down a cab with an eagerness that couldn't be contained. Jumping into the cab, the driver couldn't help but notice the sheer joy radiating from Logan's face.

The cab driver, curious, couldn't help but ask. "You look like you're on top of the world! Date night, huh?"

Logan, grinning ear to ear, shook his head. "Nah, not a
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