“You’re looking down on me!” Rita roared.“What? No!” Fred shook his head. “I’m just saying it as it is.”Fred walked over to the side, where he lit another cigarette before taking a long drag. Rita felt the urge to stomp over and argue, but she quickly gave up on that notion. She returned to the starting line and began running. She had run about four laps by now.Rita would record her time for each lap, but she still didn't achieve the result she wanted. After more than a dozen laps, she started feeling her energy drain. Even so, her time showed no changes. She felt like giving up when suddenly, she heard Fred’s voice ring out.“Quiet your breathing and focus. Let your heart, soul, and mind meld into one.” Despite not being loud, she could hear his voice echo in her mind and thunder in her heart.“What…?”Rita was exhausted when she heard Fred’s voice, and it stunned her. Before she could ask him what he meant, though, the man interrupted in a calm tone, “I’ll only say i
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