The arrival of Asher's three friends, who intended to go to where he was, made Asher very depressed."Miss Nameera, it looks like we'll have to change places again," Asher whispered right into Miss Nameera's ear, which amused her slightly. "Um, where are we going?" Miss Nameera nodded while asking softly. "Just come along." Asher picked up Miss Nameera again and headed towards the car park. Of course, Asher's movements were so fast, not to mention the darkness of the night, that the three men could not find Asher, who had already left the scene. Meanwhile, Matt led the way through the knee-high grass while sneaking around. "Sergeant Johan, Sergeant Zachary, please take the left side of the tree and make sure the target doesn't escape," Matt ordered the two seriously. "Ready, commander," Johan and Zachary said in unison. After they parted ways, Matt reached the right and excitedly walked
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