All Chapters of Ethereal Adventure System: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
210 chapters
Breeze from an unknown direction blew in the area sending a chill across the field in which beings of two races stood in a battle ready pose. Ethan has studied the hero martial arts to a good level and with the help of the gaunlets his attack would certainly be stronger against these level ten goblins. The closet goblin holding a pole let out a shriek and lunged towards Ethan wielding his crude wooden pole in a piercing pose. It struck the sharp end of the wooden pole toward Ethan in an attempt to end his life at once. However, Ethan used his left elbow to evade the piercing and then punch forward with his right fist. -15 The first punch has a lot of force applied and it took out fifteen percent of the goblins health point at once. Thanks to the gaunlets his fist didn't hurt after punching the goblin. Shriek. The goblin let out another shriek and attacked with the pole. The other goblins surrounded Ethan but they weren't attacking, they only observed as their fellow specie f
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Ethan stretched his body flexibly after resting for a while. 'Now that I'm healed, I can see the growth in my strength. Hahaha, can't believe i almost died from those ugly monsters.' Ethan laughed as he reminded himself of the just concluded battle with those goblins. Now that he was relaxed he noticed the glowing items on the ground and quickly recalled that he hasn't looted for the first wave of monsters in this dungeon. He went through the fields and started collecting the magic stones dropped by the goblins. Few of them were just the same as the one he saw at his first ever dungeon. He picked up new magic stones with different colours, size and grade. [You looted 3 FF-rank magic stone, 6 F-rank magic stone, 7 goblin fangs.] Time wasn't on his side like the last time, he kept all of his loots in his inventory and began venturing deeper into the dungeon. He did not to forget to add those crude weapons used by the goblins in his inventory. He has learned a lesson from the fi
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["The being that reside in the darkness, the being that is against light, the omnipresent darkness that plunges the darkness, show forth your unwavering domination on this domain..."] As the goblins chanted in unison, their eerie voices filled the air, echoing through the surroundings. It sounded as if a multitude of whispers from countless souls intertwined in a haunting melody. The chilling sound sent shivers down Ethan's spine, but he remained focused and composed.Listening to the incantation, Ethan's mind raced, analyzing the situation. If these goblins were attempting to summon a powerful entity or cast a formidable spell, he had to prepare himself accordingly. He contemplated his options, strategizing the best course of action."I can't let them complete their spell," Ethan thought to himself, his determination solidifying. "I need to disrupt their chant and eliminate the spellcasters before they unleash whatever they're summoning."Just as Ethan was about to make a plan, a fe
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First floor
The entrance opened with a loud creaking sound and was soon followed with a strong gust of wind from Inside the structure. That action could be easily compared to the vapours pouring out from a closed pot with boiling water after the lid is taken off. Ethan was pushed several feets meters away from the structure by the strong hurricane, he knelt and watched the action the mythical structure underwent with a calm expression on his face, then he looked at his system to see what level he was in and if there was anything new. He saw a message that he haven't red and clicked on it. [Congratulations shop has been unlocked,Note: i.Real life currency would be used for any transaction with the system. ii. Item reloads every 48 hours so they would be newer and better items after every reloads.iii. Shop is divided into two parts [Equipment] [Medic] Ethan red the message with a reliefed expression on his face. He clicked the [X] button and his stat window was revealed to him. -Host: Etha
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Ethan let out a loud sigh before stepping into the magic circle that has appeared on the first floor of the tower. Immediately his feet stepped on it, a strong magic mechanism was activated. The magic circles began twisting in a speedy manner and the next second he found himself in a new environment. [You are currently on floor 2(Floor of mid goblins] Ethan stared ahead and as expected there was a large number of level 13 - 15 midgoblin warrior and spellcasters. They were faster to comprehend his presence than the low ones as they immediately attacked him almost immediately. As the mid goblins charged towards Ethan, he quickly assessed the situation. Their speed and aggression were certainly greater than that of the low goblins he had faced on the previous floor. However, Ethan remained calm and focused, relying on his experience and newly acquired strength to overcome the challenge.With a swift motion, Ethan unsheathed his Black Heart Dagger, the dark energy surrounding it pu
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Duke Goblin
Ethan stepped into the magic circle that would transport him to the third and final floor of the tower. As he crossed over, a sense of foreboding filled the air. The atmosphere grew heavier, and a chilling wind brushed against his skin, causing goosebumps to rise.When Ethan arrived on the third floor, he found himself in a vast chamber shrouded in darkness. The only source of illumination came from dimly lit torches scattered around the room, casting eerie shadows on the stone walls. Strange symbols were etched onto the floor, emitting a faint glow that added to the unsettling ambiance. If it wasn't for his perception stat, he wouldn't be able to make anything out of the darkness. His increased perception made him to see clearly in an averagely dark place, thanks to that he was able to make out a few images of otherworldly being. "Huff" that beastly sound came out of no where and suddenly all the place gained a proper lighting and colour. [The danger rate of final floor is high,
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Twenty times wealth
The look on the eyes of the Duke goblin was extremely hateful, and after seeing the corpse of his followers it became even more enraged and attacked Ethan with a huge axe that formed in it's hands. Then it started raging towards Ethan with it's axe held up high. Ethan tightened his grip on the Black Heart Dagger, his knuckles turning white with the pressure. He knew that this battle would be the toughest one yet, but he couldn't afford to back down now. The fate of the tower, and perhaps even his own life, depended on his success.With a surge of adrenaline, Ethan charged at the Duke Goblin, his movements fueled by a mixture of desperation and determination. He weaved through the Duke Goblin's initial attacks, narrowly avoiding the powerful swipes of its claws and the deadly strikes of its axe. The agility granted by his boost shoes proved invaluable as he danced around the towering beast, searching for an opening to strike. The Duke Goblin's attacks were ferocious and relentless
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+ One billion richer
Ethan arrived in the real world and he was so surprised, so shocked that he kept staring at the system window for several minutes. He was given 50 million and was given a 20x Multiplier of all his wealth just because he got his class. Ethan stared at the window without moving, a lot of thoughts ran through his head. A million was already a lot, fifty million was more than a lot and now there is a twenty times Multiplier to all these money, he was going to be fucking rich! After some minutes have passed he decided to open the system window to see his new stats and to specially check his total worth. -Host: Ethan -Level: 12-Exp: .... (calculating)-Hp: 100%(Healthy)-Mp: 1% -Wealth: $1,103,620,000-Adventures: 2-Class: Warlord[Stats] Strength: 120 | Agility: 120 Stamina: 120 | Vitality: 120Perception: 120 | Dexterity: 120 Charm: 6Luck: 5[Skills] -Heroic Martial arts (Level 4/5) -Tripple Pierce (Level 5/5)[Elemental skills] -Fireballs (F)-Flame skate (F)-Cloud of sm
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High class lady
The manager summoned Ethan to his office for a private meeting to avoid projecting an image of their company as one that resorts to violence to resolve conflicts."Why are you here, Ethan? Weren't you shot in the stomach? Shouldn't you be dead by now?" he asked, wearing a smirk."Why do you want to know?" Ethan replied, his expression cold."I need a favor from you," the manager continued.The manager raised an eyebrow, looking puzzled. "Do you remember Shelly?""Yes, she was obedient and hardworking, everything you'd want in an employee, but she got caught up in your disobedience. Why are you asking? Don't tell me you've come to beg for her," the manager scoffed."No, I want you to give her a new position in this company.""Who do you think you are, the CEO? Don't play games with me, Ethan.""How much did Lawrence pay to get his woman into the assistant manager position?""Even if I tell you, do you think you can afford it?""Name your price.""Fine, if you must know, he paid two hun
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Victoria's presence did not go unnoticed by the receptionist, who quickly straightened her posture and put on a professional smile."Welcome back, Mrs. Victoria. How was your trip?" the receptionist asked, trying her best to appear composed.Victoria glanced at the receptionist with an air of superiority, barely acknowledging her presence. Her eyes then darted around the office, searching for someone specific."Where is Ethan?" Victoria demanded, her voice dripping with disdain. It was as though she has learnt of her ex boyfriend presence in the office from someone. In her mind, she was sure Ethan was here to plead for a second chance to work in the company. The receptionist hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. She had heard rumors about Victoria and Ethan's tumultuous relationship, and it seemed that Victoria's return was not a pleasant surprise for Ethan."I... I believe he's in a meeting with the manager," the receptionist stammered."What do you mean meeting with
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