Davis, Sammy, and Don visited the Anderson family home. Drake, Louise, and Ivan greeted them with glares."What do you want this early in the day, Davis?" snapped Drake."I want to see Grandpa." Davis passed Drake, Louise, and Ivan, looking for Sebastian's whereabouts.Drake, Louise, and Ivan gave Davis an annoyed look, but they didn't dare sneer or shoo when they saw Sammy and Don.Drake, Louise, and Ivan left the house in a hurry."What a jerk! Davis is acting up more and more." Drake snorted in annoyance. "He thinks he's above us. I've really had it.""Hell, we can't do anything about it now." Louise peered at the house through the open door."Dad always defended Davis so he became as arrogant and obnoxious as he is now. At the same time, we can't argue with him," Ivan said.Don came out of the house, watching Drake, Louise, and Ivan with a sharp gaze. "If you have a message for Davis, I'll relay your message to him."Drake, Louise, and Ivan quickly moved away from Don and entered
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