46. The Siege

Blue was surprised when he saw the people arriving. He had predicted that there would be many members of the Hertz family who would come but this was beyond what Blue had predicted.

Currently Blue was surrounded by hundreds of people who not only came from the Hertz family but also from the Watt family and several third-rate Apostles outside the big family.

"The bringer of disaster? bullshit, he's just a kid" Said one of the watt family members who walked side by side with members of the Hertz family.

“There must be a reason why the gods wanted this child to be taken away, so don't underestimate him” One of the Hertz family members added.

“Fuh, half of them are 3rd tier apostles… and the rest are a mix of 1st and 2nd tier apostles” Blue thought as he readied his sword.

“Oi, where is my little sister?” One of the Hertz family members shouted about Rachel.

"Do you have anything I want?" Blue stood straight.

"Tch," The person jumped up and with great force gave a fist attack towards Blue
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