Chapter 29.

Mr. Davis continued with the way he was treating Mark and also continued making him a laughing stock among his fellow workers by making him look stupid or bringing up an unnecessary matter which would do so.

May became angry and took it upon himself to stop it which Mr. Davis noticed.

He noticed that May would always stand up for Mark whenever he is being ridiculed or mentioned among his colleagues.

He got angry and decided to deal with her because he was in a higher rank and she was under him.

He started by promoting by May to the position of his assistant which May accepted gladly thinking it was a good opportunity for it as it meant, a higher rank and an additional salary, unknown to May.

She was about to start being punished by being the only worker who stood up against how Mark was being treated.


Mr. Davis was working in his office when May rushed into the office panting heavily.

“What is it?” He asked and glared at her.

Her eyes widened in their sockets as she stared
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