Chapter 131

“Mr. Nelson Fabian, you are under arrest for attempted murder of Salmon Tristan,” An officer came before Nelson and forced him out.

“Hey, don’t lay your dirty hands on my body. Do you know who the hell my family is?” He was taken aback by the officer’s action.

“We don’t give the fuck about who your family is, young man. You should stay quiet and simply accompany us, you are gonna reply to the questions at the police station.” Another barked behind.

“Why don’t you push him out, we need to inspect the house so we can get more evidence of his mortal act. I want to find out where he shut my son.” Salmon dad mentioned bitterly.

Nelson started laughing at his statement. He knew they had no warrant given to them to search his house. The most he could do was to laugh before answering them.

“Do you think this is your village house or your gathering house where people walk into it how they feel, old fool? This area isn't for poor fools like your type.”

“I give you guys one minute to take your d
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