Allied Forces

Thinking of Haorun, the Dragon Demon Emperor couldn't help becoming a little irritable again. Seeing that the Forbidden City was close in front of him, but the demon army was blocked here and could not move, the Dragon Demon Emperor couldn't help raising his head to the sky and let out a long roar in his eagerness.

At this moment, under the direction of the Forbidden City, there was a flash of spiritual light, an army of tens of thousands of high-level spiritual masters rushed out of the midair, and high-level magics exploded in the army of undead.

Seeing the arrival of the human reinforcements, the demon army, which was bathing in blood, suddenly got a burst of energy from nowhere, and immediately swept away the fatigue of the days of fighting, one by one roared and rushed towards the Forbidden City.

The Dragon Demon King was also overjoyed when he saw this, and immediately commanded the demon army to charge with all his strength. And the skeleton general who followed behind the m
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