The CEO's Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

431 ratings

The CEO's Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

By: LiLhyz CompletedBillionaire

Language: English

Chapters: 382 views: 3.8M

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Shantelle Scott has been in love with Evan Thompson since she was young. When Evan's father arranged for her to be his wife, she willingly agreed, despite knowing it was against Evan's will. She devoted her life to him in their two-year marriage, forgetting her aspirations. She hoped her husband would love her back. Sadly, one day, Evan coldly said, "I want a divorce! I want you out of my life, Shantelle!" Years passed, Shantelle became a famous surgeon. When her ex-husband came to see her, he asked, "Doctor Shant, I need your expertise." "What is wrong with you, Mister Thompson?" She asked. Yearning reflected in the man's eyes as he suggested, "My heart is broken, and only you can mend it." Shantelle laughed and replied, "Mister Thompson, I am a doctor. I'm not God." *** There are two versions of the book. Old readers can access the old version in your library. Please scroll down. If you don't find it, kindly contact goodnovel (

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  • Hazel


    When will u release a new story lilhyz?

    2023-11-08 09:35:22
  • mmy my


    Great story.

    2023-09-12 14:13:32
  • freda_07syusuke


    i like the story

    2024-10-14 14:03:58
  • Daisy Reyes


    I’m a serial reader. I really enjoyed this book. It was well written I have laughed and cried. Some writers take things too far and it starts to frustrate the reader. Whether it’s revenge or the punishments of the main characters. This book has a better flow of the story line.

    2024-10-06 20:04:02
  • LiLhyz


    old readers, this is a new version of the book. if you had read it as I wrote it, the old version is in your library. for questions, find me in social.

    2024-09-29 10:29:42
  • wani legaspi


    i already bought this book and a couple more previously but now i have to buy to unlock the chapters again? who can help with this please, thank you

    2024-09-26 17:23:24
  • Roo


    Why is this book on here twice and as I have gone into the book that I have completed all the chapters on I can’t access the reviews or comments. I will be really annoyed if I’m expected to unlock the whole book again

    2024-09-21 02:20:40
  • lyka.ortega17


    until what chapter does the audio works?

    2024-09-07 17:52:45
  • Shikha


    I have already read this novel before, love the characters Evan and Shantelle . But why I have to buy those chapters again ?

    2024-08-04 01:11:27
  • irenepaulson2016


    This story is so interesting and captivating. I just couldn't drop it...

    2024-07-22 02:09:17
  • Marie Mendiola


    Love the stories

    2024-07-07 17:17:38
  • Shenaenigans


    So far so good; loving it! but, I've read all the Wright family books, except for Lilly's... can someone tell me how Evan and Shantelle fit in with the Wrights?

    2024-06-16 10:32:37
  • LiLhyz


    This is a new version of the book. To my old readers, you can find the old version in your library. if you can't find it, please contact goodnovel.

    2024-06-03 20:48:00
  • LiLhyz


    to my old readers, please check my social for announcements. This book is another version. the old version should be in your library.

    2024-06-03 20:39:39
  • Ferline Sugianto


    Previously i have purchased this book, I want to reread this book but now i have to purchased it again?

    2024-05-31 08:13:05
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382 chapters
Chapter 0001
"I want a divorce! I am now the CEO of the Thompson Group of Companies- the master of the Thompsons. My father can no longer control me. I am done with your selfishness!" Evan Thompson, her husband, towered over her as he yelled. "I thought I knew you. I thought you would change, but I was wrong to
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Chapter 0002
Selfish? Yes, that was true. It was because she loved Evan so much. Insecure? How could she not be? Knowing that Nicole Lively was at arm's length, Shantelle's insecurity grew. Shantelle and Evan had a relatively tranquil marriage for more than a year. It wasn't fruitful or romantic - the dream
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Chapter 0003
Dark circles formed around her eyes as Shantelle packed her bags at five in the morning. She kept returning to the closet and deciding on what to bring. Evan bought her a few dresses. Even if they were in a loveless marriage, somehow, he had thought about her. "I think it's better not to bring any
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Chapter 0004
For an hour, Evan drove around town aimlessly, thinking about the divorce. Thanks to his so-called friends, he was second-guessing his decision. It was past midnight when he still had no specific direction where to go. He thought about going to a hotel or his office, but suddenly, he remembered o
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Chapter 0005
"Sweetheart, if he can't appreciate you, then he doesn't deserve you," Doctor William Scott said. "I'm glad you have come to that decision." William and Eleanor Scott embraced their weeping daughter inside the Scotts family mansion. "I loved him, dad, mom. How I wish it did not have to end this w
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Chapter 0006
"Good morning, Evan. I love you." Evan smiled in his dream, hearing Shantelle repeat those words. She never got tired of expressing how she felt. In his dream, he did not respond, but he sensed the warmth in his heart. Suddenly, he heard his phone buzz. It was his wake-up call. "Shanty, can you
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Chapter 0007
"Shanty! Are you excited about your going away party!" Karise said with glee. Her short black hair bounced as she jumped at the idea. Shantelle had just arrived at her best friend's home. She had called her days before, informing her that her family was leaving Rose Hills permanently. They cried o
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Chapter 0008
Evan could not believe his eyes. Shantelle had always been conservative. Evan liked to think of it that she preserved herself for him. He was her first, and oddly, he had never been intimate with anyone, other than his now ex-wife. Shantelle was never the kind to go out in a club, nor did she enjo
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Chapter 0009
Evan managed to flee from Shantell's friends. Unfortunately, his beloved sports car did not escape Shantelle's vomit. "Urggh. This is awful!" Shantelle said in disgust after throwing up on the side of Evan's car. Her dress got partly stained, and she absolutely reeked of alcohol. "I'm never going
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Chapter 0010
When morning came, Evan woke up to find Shantelle dressed in one of her clothes. She had not brought home all of her dresses. Those that he had given her in the past remained in their closet. For a second, he studied her slender frame. He admitted she had a beautiful body. "Do you want me to hav
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