Chapter 6: Midnight Pursuit

Together, Jake and Rachel approached Agent Hans Müller, filled with determination and armed with new evidence. "Agent Hans," Jake began, "we believe that the key to unraveling this entire conspiracy lies in the laptop we retrieved from the Blackwood murder scene. It could hold crucial information that links Mr. Chen Tao to the Nine Rings and the mysterious crime syndicate we've been investigating."

Rachel chimed in, "And regarding Mr. Chen's death, we need to correct the public's perception. He did not die trying to escape from the police van. The truth is that he died naturally while in cuffs, defenseless and not resisting arrest. The story of him trying to retrieve a gun and the police having to defend themselves was a lie, made up to cover for the police brutality during his arrest."

Agent Hans listened intently, nodding as they shared their discoveries. "This is valuable information," he acknowledged. "It sheds new light on the case and the possible involvement of the Nine Rings."
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