176 | Emma Walter

Vincent Hutchinson chuckled softly. He could the doubt in Oliver's eyes. Well, it really going to be baffled if a Pauper like him could afford a mansion that worths two hundered million dollars.

He could felt Oliver's gaze on him waiting for an answer to his questions. Vince waved his hand dismissively in the air, and chuckled.

"I had told you earlier you shouldn't play with me unnecessarily, do you really think I'm just bluffing?" Asked Vincent, the continued. "I have my money with me. You should call one of your attendant to bring out the teller machine and I will make the transaction."

Oliver looked amused as he watched him talk. The Two Hundred Million Dollars Ptrmum X Mansion had been on the market for the past three years yet nobody have the ability to spend their penny on him.

They gushed about it, then left away from there. Upon hearing Vincent Hutchinson saying he would buy the mansion, he felt bountiful of joy and happiness in his heart but at the same time, he was also
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